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The material and information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. You should not rely upon the material or information on the website as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions.
Lactation Specialist & Breast Feeding Services

Ann Hill IBCLC - 720.394.6995 - www.rockymountainlactation.com
Stacy Miller - 303.692.2406 - stacy.miller@state.co.us
Marianne Kmak - 720.219.2994 - www.kmakbreastfeeding.com
Robin Williams - 720.482.0109 - www.bosumbuddies.com
Milk Banks:
Mother’s Milk Bank - 303.869.1888 - www.rmchildren.org/programs/milkbankcolorado
5394 Marshall St.,Suite 400, Arvada, CO 80002 -
Human Milk Banking Association of North America - www.hmbana.org
Pediatricians/ Family Doctors

Parker Pediatrics - 303.841.2905 - www.parkerpediatrics.com
Pediatric Pathways - 303.694.2323 - www.pediatricpathways.com
6909 S Holly Cr, Centennial, CO 80112 -
Castle Rock Pediatrics - 303.688.2228
1001 S Perry St., #101B, Castle Rock, CO 80104 -
Highlands Integrative Pediatrics - 720.583.4470 - www.hipediatrics.com
265018th St., Suite 100, Denver, CO 80211

UCHealth Center for Midwifery - 720.709.2636 - http://www.uchealth.org/locations/uchealth-center-for-midwifery
1635 Aurora Court, Anschutz Outpatient Pavillion, 3rd Floor, Aurora, CO 80045 -
Certified Nurse Midwives | Denver Health - 303.436.4949 - www.denverhealth.org/womens-health/maternity-pregnancy
South Denver OB GYN and Midwives - 303-738-1100 - www.southdenverobgyn.com
7780 S Broadway, Arapahoe III Building, Suite 280, Littleton, CO 80122 -
Midwifery Group at Swedish - 303.788.5000 - www.swedishhospital.com/specialties/midwifery

Dr. Lauren Love - 303.720.6911 - www.drlaurenlove.com
Dr. Jaimy Voigts - www.bellybliss.org/chiropratic
Dr. Julie Seymour, DC - 720.524.7747 - www.thehumanjoint.com
Dr. Marie Starling, D.C. - 303.721.9800 - www.thehealingcenterdenver.com
7100 E Belleview Ave., #109, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Prenatal | Postnatal Massage

Erin Aufdemberge, RN, LMT - 303.646.7419 - www.womenshealthmassage.com
7355 E Orchard Rd., Suite, 350, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 -
Belly Bliss - 303.399.1191 - www.bellybliss.org
300 Josephine St., Suite 230, Denver, CO 80206 -
Harmony’s Family - 303.839.1993 - www.harmonyfamily.com
3300 E 1st Ave., Suite 220, Denver, CO 80206
Craniosacral Therapy

Lynn Schulte Leech - 303.845.0604 - www.intuitivehandspt.co
Gail Laurance - 720.771.7745 - www.vitalittymassagetherapy.weebly.com
Jennie Luther - 720.507.1705 - www.familytreeacuwell.com
7500 E Arapahoe Rd., Centennial, CO 80112 -
Amanda Glenn - 720.219.8482 - www.lightforcehealingtouch.com
Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Jesse Witkoff - 720.507.0077 - www.coloradotonguetie.com
Dr. James Bieneman - 303.797.0832 - www.yourcoloradodentist.com
Postpartum Mood Resources

PSI Postpartum Depression Helpline 1-800-944-4PPD (4773)
Postpartum Support International (PSI) www.postpartum.net
The Catalyst Center | Cherry Creek Therapists - 720.675.7123 - www.catalystcenterllc.com
Luna Counseling Center - 720.277.6125 - www.lunacounselingcenter.com
Integrative Pathways Counseling - Mary Anderson Schroeter - 303.883.7271 - www.integrativepathwayscounseling.com
Nontraditional Care

https://hyggebirthandbaby.com/ - Integrative Care
https://www.iphcdenver.com/ - Integrative Care
Pelvic Floor Therapist

Lynn Schulte, PT - 303.845.0604 - http://www.instituteforbirthhealing.com/
Evoke - 303.475.6252 - www.evokept.com
Multiples Support

NYLMDTS Multiples Class
Breastfeeding Support

Belly Bliss - 303.399.1191 - www.bellybliss.org
Lutheran Hospital - 303.425.2286 - katie.halverstad@sclhs.net
LaLeche Groups - www.llli.org
Mental Health Resources

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line - Text “MHFA” to 741741
Lifeline Crisis Chat - www.crisischat.org
The Trevor Project - 866-488-7386 or Text “START” to 678678 www.thetrevorproject.org
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration www.samhsa.gov/find-help
AA Meetings Denver Area - 303.322.4440 - www.daccaa.org
Drug Addiction Treatment Line - 800.559.9503 - www.addiction.cc/testwww/
S.A.F.E. Alternatives (Self Abuse Finally Ends) 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288)
Denver, CO - STAR (Support Team Assisted Response) Program
Battered Women’s Shelters

Aurora - 303.343.1856
Castle Rock - 303.688.1094
SafeHouse Denver - 303.318.9989
The Gathering House (Denver) - 303.303.9969
Women’s Bean Project (Denver) - 303.292.1919
National Domestic Violence Hotline - 800-799-7233 Text START to 88788
Child Abuse Protection Agencies

Social Welfare Services - www.socialwelfareservices.org
CAPA - www.childabuseprevention.org
Kemp Foundation - 303.864.5300 - www.kempe.org
13123 E 16th Ave., B390, Aurora, CO 80045 -
National Hotline - 800.422.4453
Douglas County - 303.688.4825
After Hours - 303.660.7500
Denver - 720.944.3000

Cecily Yousaf - 303.248.3481 - https://fertilegroundwellnesscenter.com
7355 E. Orchard Rd. Ste 350, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 -
Joy Hewitt-Kind - 303.358.7266 - www.4comfortandjoy.com
4760 E Jewell Avenue, Denver, CO 80222 -
Ali Damron - 303.248.3481 - www.alidamron.com
Anita Curry - 303.710.9334 - www.floacupuncture.com
2305 E Arapahoe Rd, #153, Centennial, CO 80122
Birth Centers

Seasons - 303.999.3950 www.seasonsbirthcenter.com
2900 E 136th Ave., Thornton, CO 80241 -
Birth Center of Denver - 303.812.2363 - www.sclhealth.org/locations/birth-center
1830 Franklin St, Denver, CO 80218 -
Hygge Birth Center - 720.464.7599 - www.hyggebirthandbaby.com
8111 E Lowry Blvd, Suite 230, Denver, CO 80230 -
Denver Center for Birth - 303.999.0234 - www.denvercenterforbirth.com
7261 S Broadway, Suite 103, Littleton, CO 80122
Children’s Hospitals

Children’s Hospitals of Colorado - 720.777.1234
13123 E 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 -
Rocky Mountain - 720.754.1000
1719 E 19th Ave., Denver, CO 80218
Doula Organizations and Training

CAPPA Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association - 770.965.9777 www.cappa.net
DONA International - 888.788.3662 - www.dona.org
Early Intervention Programs for Babies with Special Needs

Early Intervention Colorado - 1.877.777.4041 - www.eicolorado.org
1575 Sherman St., Denver, CO 80203 -
Childfind Colorado - www.cde.state.co.us/early/childfind
Maternity/Nursing Clothes

Motherhood Maternity - www.motherhood.com
A Pea in the Pod - www.apeainthepod.com