A one time sponsorship is a great way to contribute. Sponsor the complete cost of the program for one or more families. The sponsorship can be one time or for multiple families. Your sponsorship will help a less fortune family provide a safe place for their newborn to sleep. Reducing the chances of SIDS and other safety risks. The cost per family is $500.00
Use the link below to submit your Sponsorship

After completing our program each family will receive a Cribette for their baby to sleep in. The Cribette is a safe place to sleep and comes with a chaining table and bassinet for smaller and younger babies.
Each family in our program receives education on Safe Sleep, Newborn Care, First Aid CPR and a variety of other resources.

Along with their Cribette we provide other necessities for our new parents. Some items include swaddles, onesies, socks, hats, nightlight, pacifiers, t-shirts, diapers etc...